Sunday School 9:00 a.m.

• Ages 0-kindergarteners meet in the nursery
• 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders meet in the room next to the platform and baptistery (back left corner from the main entrance), and are taught by Krissy and Emma Rumpke, and Stephanie Reinhart
• 4th, 5th, and 6th graders meet in the library (between the office and the nursery), and are taught by Miranda Lamb, and Dave and Tonya Gehringer
• Youth Group age meet in the upstairs section of the youth building, and are taught by Tom Brausch
• Adult classes meet in the fellowship area of the youth building (downstairs)
One class is taught by Jim Reed and Phil Wilson
A second class is taught by Jim Frederick and Mike Weller

The third class is taught by Mike Kelly

Senior Adults meet in the last section of the room off the kitchen, and are taught by Henry Pollack.

For more questions please contact us.